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On 05/17/2011 10:58 AM, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
Good evening from Germany (instead of my usual Japan ...)
Thank you.
That personalize trick "works" (barely), but I am afraid I am too old to
work a whole day long with stuff displayed on the screen
so small, that I need a microscope to read it. There are only two options I
can see: 100% and 125%.
The latter one I chose upon setting the PC up (bought extra for this trip)
and is the minimum I need to read anything on the screen. 100% is not really
an "option".
And even with the 100% option the lowest items in the dialog box are only
half visible. The other half is still hidden behind the lower task bar.

Is this really the only way to get to dialog boxes and menus?
(I suspect, there are a lot of other similar boxes I have not yet
tried/used) that too disappear beneath the horizon!)

Sorry, but that's pretty much my limit w/Win7. I only booted into it to
see if I could figure out your problem. Hopefully someone with Win7
experience will come along & assist further. You could always shrink the
partition & install Ubuntu to dual boot :-)

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