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On 02/25/2011 04:49 AM, Sigrid Carrera wrote:

On Thu, 24 Feb 2011 12:02:07 -0800 (PST)
Bad2theBone<>  wrote:

What is the status of this issue? I have the same problem. I have both OOo&
LO installed but cannot install the desktop-environment rpm for redhat-menu.
What is the commands to launch each app, so for now I could manually create
menu entrees?
The usual way is using


and so on to start the individual modules. But since you have both OOo and LibO installed, you 
might want to call the app with the complete path to make sure, that the correct one starts. Once 
you've done this, you could create some aliases like owriter and lwriter to be able to 
differentiate between the two software packages.


I did finally get it to install using rpm -ivh --force rpm-file-name. I saw this in another thread basically complaining about the same thing. I was not able to find an equivalent in yum as I prefer to use that. Thanks for the response. I did finally figure out the commands just the way you give them. Pretty neat how LO was able to duplicate my settings from OOo as well as my templates, so everything is there and functioning as before with OOo.

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