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On 02/07/2011 02:54 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Will Libre Office open all the files I have made with Open Office ?
Yes, it will open the files that you've created with 
But there are some problems, especially with pictures in .doc-files....
at least there are a lot of problems reported her about that....

You'd be wrong.
$ locate versionrc

That's LO, OOo-Dev, OOo-standard, OOo-Ubuntu; all run at the same time,
all run in parallel, and none have issues with each other.

If you plan to continue to provide such advise, please clarify: 1) the
OS that the OP might have issues with (there are indeed some issue with
Windows), and 2) cite the issues that you refer to rather than "at least
there are a lot of problems reported her about that". There indeed may
be problems, but if we are to maintain a valid 'user' list, IMO
responders should at least make an attempt to cite the issues and/or
point to where the poster can likely find a reference or answer.

So how about citing a reference for "But there are some problems,
especially with pictures in .doc-files" so that others on the list can
understand the issue as well?

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