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Present: Cor, Sahil, John, Ring, Heiko
Comments: Stephane, Eyal, Stuart


 * Bullets and Numbering dialog in Writer does not say it's about an
   implicit list style
   + list styles created and applied via toolbar are hard to identify
     as such in the B&N dialog
   + no label substitutes the need to learn how this works; we may drop
     all shortcuts and ease functions but the cost is too high (Heiko, Cor)
   => suggest WF

 * Want indication of whether a master slide is in use or not
   + MSO Powerpoints shows the number of slides in a tooltip (Stephane)
   + additional boolean indication would be nice (Eyal)
   + tooltip sounds good and is not harmful (John)
   + not much useful since "Delete Master" is only available if the
     slide master is not in use (Cor)
   => no objection, low priority

 * When right-clicking a font family combo-box, offer font meta-data
   + unclear use case and much likely off-topic being available in
     font management tools (Heiko)
   + info dialog sounds good but rather via special characters or
     in the character properties dialog (Stuart)
   + only use case is compatibility with some other font (John)
     + likely not part of the meta data
   + the Internet returns all search results (Cor)
   => idea does not find support; WF

 * Make possible 2 or more impress in fullscreen each on a dedicated
   monitor AND each seekable independently with user-defined hotkeys
   per each file
   + start Impress twice (Stephane), workflow is supported with a third
     monitor (John)
   + too niche, better suited for an extension (Stephane, Sahil)
   => WF

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