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Present: Sahil, Rafel, (John), Nameless, Heiko
Comments: Bob, Cor, Mike, Eyal


 * Cannot resize graphical objects that overlap header/footer
   + change drag handles (Bob, Cor)
   + UI should give proper feedback (Sahil)
   + could be done by disabling the vertical and diagonal resize
     capability (which hides the size cursor then)
   + people may complain handles disappear; suggest NAB/WF (Rafael)
   + rather than hiding the handles we should block resizing before
     drag happens so the lower edge remains at the bottom (Rafael)
   + looks like a bug to me; suggest to show an infobar when the
     mouse is released but resize not accepted (Sahil)
   + infobar is disruptive here (Rafael)
   + change the drag frame color if the new size is not
     accepted/possible (Rafael)
   => do this

 * Changing Macro Security level should warn about the need to reload
   the file to apply the settings
   + Reload in the background for all documents is not possible
     since changes may have been made (Mike)
   + show infobar requesting the user to reload (Eyal)
   + show a label in the macros security option dialog (Rafael, Sahil)
     + could also be the restart now confirmation box (Heiko)
   => majority votes for the label

 * close all (documents / windows) Writer
   + add new command but just for customization (Eyal, Rafael)
   + quit and restart (Cor)
   + close documents from all modules (Heiko)
   + alternatively show the start center while modules
     are open
   + closing all documents becomes more important if we have a
     tabbed UI (Sahil)
   => comment

 * Add max shrink and space width customization options to upcoming
   smart justification feature
   + as a compatibility feature any customization would deviate
     from DOCX (Heiko, Rafael, Nameless)
   + control on the paragraph level makes sense (Mike)
   + over-engineering is seldom good usability; no use case and
     no user request (yet) (Heiko)
   => resolve WF

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