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Present: Sahil, Cor, Hossein, John, Heiko
Comments: Eike, Mike, Stephané


 * Styles deck: actually hide hidden leaf styles in Hierarchical view
   + only do the greyed-out thing when the style has children but
     hide the style completely when it’s a leaf
   + alternatively clean-up the styles list
   + some styles are used for wizards, high levels could be hidden,
     but in the end not much benefit (Cor, Heiko)
   + wouldn't hide conditionally (Heiko)
   + users might be not aware of hidden styles (Cor)
   + Stylist has plenty of filters to adjust the view (Heiko)
   + don't make it even more harder to use (Hossein)
   => WF

 * Let users select multiple toolbars at once to view or hide
   + integrate the toolbars list in the "User Interface" dialog (Heiko)
   + View > Toolbars is familiar to most users; advanced prototype
     could be Mozilla's (eg Firefox) edit mode (Hossein)
   + agree if the dialog would be additional to the menu, otherwise
     against (Cor)
   + accelerator keys are a quick way to access the menu items (Cor)
   + integrating into a dialog might be beneficial, a bit unclear
     if toolbars belong to the User Interface dialog (John)
   => copy the toolbar options to the UI dialog

 * Conditional Formatting gets overwritten
   + allow fine-tuning of protection with "[ ] Edit values" and
     "[ ] Format cells" so one can protect the sheet more
     specifically (Heiko)
   + unclear option, difficult to implement; rather add an extra
     function that blocks formatting independently from protection (Eike)
   + another idea: allow customization of paste per document so paste
     behaves like paste special > values only, or else (Heiko)
   + Excel shows a small widget to give a clue on alternative options,
     but behaves like LibreOffice (Hossein)
   + Warn (with option to not show again) if formatting is being
     overwritten (Cor)
   => comment

 * "Macros disabled" show a button "Show macros" which does not
    make sense
    + reasonable for "High"+ security (Mike)
    + keep the ability to quickly take a peek in the macro; and rather add
      some button [Execute anyway] (Heiko)
    + most users don't understand Basic and allowing the see/edit lowers the
      security (Hossein)
    + keep the Show Macro button, ie. WF (Cor)
    + not a big deal to have a shortcut to see/edit the button (John)
    + users may miss an action if the infobar does not provide
      any button (Hossein)
    => comment, in favor of WF

 * text file format dialogue on save -- ODF file format?
   + some benefit in using the term that users will be more familiar with,
     eg "Save as ODF" for Writer or "Save as ODS" for Calc (Stephané)
   + all are ODF anyway and most users are not familiar with
     file extensions either (Heiko)
   + change sounds good to me (John, Hossein, Sahil)
   + might have been changed a while again, will check (Hossein)
   + could be better to add the extension in the text like "This document
     may ... file format “Rich Text (*.rtf)”. Use the default ODF file format
     (*.odt) to be sure that the document is saved correctly."; with *.odt/
     *.ods/*.odp etc. depending on the module (Hossein)
   => ask dev mentor to make it an easyhack

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