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Present: Sahil, Hossein, Rafael, Heiko
Comments: Stuart, Cor, Stephané, Miklos, Cor, Ady, Stephane


 * Implement a simple calculation of values to input size and position
   of draw objects
   + eg. "3+3,2" => "6,2"
   + Kind of a stretch for *needing* to do the simple calculations (Stuart)
   + could be useful for more complex stuff like "pi()/4 * 1.2345" or
     "sqr(sin(2)/cos(3)); similar to bug 72662 about the unit conversion (Heiko)
   + doubt if it is wise to start walking this path (Cor)
   + sounds useful (Sahil)
   + slash might be used as a number separator in some locales and one cannot
     be sure it is a divider (Hossein)
   + many tools provide the functionality anyway (eg. KRunner on Linux/KDE
     but also the search bar on Windows start a calculator) (Hossein)
   + very simple calculation wouldn't be enough anyway (Hossein)
   => WF

 * Move rows with protected cells does not give warning
   + agree that a message is needed (Stephané), but depending on the case
     + "Source contents not removed because cells are protected."
     + "Contents were copied but not removed because cells are protected"
     + "Protected cells can not be modified." (the stock message)
   + dragging of protected cells is not possible anyway
   + message box interrupts the workflow and we could also just block the
     drag feedback
     + however, paste is not available via menu/toolbar and the keyboard
       allows to quickly confirm (Heiko)
   + Agree, a similar message is useful (Hossein)
     + one message should be fine (Hossein)
   + "Protected cells cannot be dragged"
   + stock message is fine (Hossein)
   + don't change the cursor if DnD is not possible (Sahil)
     + could also be a blocking cursor symbol (Hossein)
   => show the stock message and consider the drag cursor

 * Original size button in image properties -> position and size tab
   doesn't restore original size for paper size exceeding images in
   Writer (and breaks image ratio)
   + rename to "Reset dimensions" (Telesto)
   + Word uses just "Reset"
   + Reason for restricting object size to page size is consistency;
     Writer defaults to capturing drawing objects inside the page
     frame (Miklos)
   + MSO365 allows scaling beyond the page and cuts off the extra part
   + seldom need for sizing beyond the page (Cor)
   + sizing the image beyond the page is desirable (Rafael, Hossein)
     + Word allows this but not to move the image out of the page
   + simply "Reset" and a tooltip with "Resets width and height to the
     original size, unless limited by the page size)
   + show original size as static text like in the compress dialog
     before the Reset button to make the function more clear (Hossein)
   + also keep the ratio in all cases
   => rename, add static size info, and fix the ratio bug

 * Better design for the Keep Ratio setting
   + not much benefit (Heiko)
   + go with a small button like in the sidebar (Rafael)
     + would be a toolbutton taking a lot of vertical space and
     + we cannot draw the connector arrows (Heiko)
   + what was the inspiration (Hossein)
     + GIMP has these buttons, for example
   + consistency is prime and we use typically checkboxes (Sahil)
   => go ahead (+2/0/-1); easy to revert

 * Comemnt marker makes it difficult to see the data in a cell
   + UNO command to toggle indicator on/off quickly (Stuart)
   + against a user-defined symbol, to revert the patch, and
     some default margin to make space for the symbol (Heiko)
   + open to UNO command to toggle the indicator on/off, a
     less obtrusive default color, different position for
     the indicator (Heiko)
   + suggest to add an expert options to control the dynamic size
     and another to disable the dynamic size (Heiko, Rafael)
   + use a different default color (Rafael)
     + is being discussed on bug 159096; maybe orange (Rafael)
   + make the default a bit smaller (Rafael, Heiko)
   + ideally do the best per code without option but if needed
     make it as simple as possible; option is good for now (Hossein)
   + good default make configuration unnecessary (at least the UI),
     use grid color and move the indicator to the edge (Rafael)
   + propose an expert value and use <=0 for dynamic size and everything
     else as static value (Heiko)
   + change is needed (Ady), expert option sounds good (Cor, Stephane)
   => go with the expert options

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