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On Sun, 2012-11-04 at 22:14 +0100, Rob Snelders wrote:
Hi all,

The export-option in the options-dialog -> Load/Save -> 
HTML-compatibility states that you can save for LibreOffice Writer, 
Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. Looking at the code that 
states Netscape 4-compatibility.

Our html export and import could probably do with a lot of refreshing in

If it still has value then the name netscape navigator should change as 
less and less people know what Netscape is.

This bug triggerd the question:

Yeah, how about for the immediate term just change "Netscape Navigator"
to Firefox :-), and for the slightly longer term pick the default option
of Netscape Navigator (HTML_CFG_NS40) and remove all the HTML_CFG_NS40
and HTML_CFG_MSIE uses, picking the HTML_CFG_NS40 default each time,
remove the Internet Explorer option and rename the optimized for Firefox
UI option to just optimized for "Web Browser".


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