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As a personal remark to this thread:
A complete redesign of the interface is not on the agendy of any
(as far as I know). So, please do not waste your or anybody elses time with
creating big pictures. We will get to the point where this is constructive
but at the moment it is just the opposite of it. If anyone wants to do
something really helpfull: try to find and document the small improvements
that are possible to make LO rock even more.

if the devs do not have a redesign on the agenda, then we should making a
road map to get the devs to where they can start working on this. Mirek as
started on one here [1], some say that it is not completed. what do we need
to complete it, and what do we need to do to get the devs on the road. I
think this is the dev agenda page [2], if not can someone tell me where to
find it. if it is it does not make any sence. I looks like all they have is
bug fixes and improvements... im not sure to you but if thats all they plan
to do untill 2013 then I think that they can spend some time on the UI.
hell if we could only have one small team of devs just devoted
to changing the UI that would be good. then they could get some more people
helping integrating it into the hard code.

can we get someone from the deve team to help us work on this road map. I
know that some of them hang around here. I do not want to mess with what
has already been planed but we should start to plan to change the UI. till
then we the design team need to continue critiquing the Citrus UI, and
getting it ready to implement.


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