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Hi Frank,

On 2023-10-23 10:59, Frank Becker wrote:
When I go through a text in Writer, on each line Voiceover says:

Reduced, edit text, insertion point at the beginning of the text.

This is extremely annoying. How can I turn this off?
I don't have this problem in Microsoft Word or Pages.

Without macOS at hand to test/analyze this, it's hard to give a good answer.

Does it behave like that also when you have a paragraph that spans over multiple lines of text and you just move from the first line of that paragraph to the next line? Or is that just the case when you switch between different paragraphs?

It's unclear to me what the "reduced" in the VoiceOver announcement is for, but "edit text" is likely the role of the paragraph object and "insertion point at the beginning of the text" apparently explains that the cursor is at the beginning of the paragraph or line.

What happens if you don't have the cursor/caret at the beginning of the line, but e.g. move it one character to the right first before you move it upwards/downwards?

From a quick glance, there's no "paragraph" role in the NSAccessibility API that is used on macOS, so we are currently using the "text area" (NSAccessibilityTextAreaRole) role for paragraphs on macOS [1], which might be related to the way that VoiceOver announces this.

The Core API Accessibility Mappings 1.2 specification suggests to map (ARIA) paragraph to AXGroup/NSAccessibilityGroupRole [2]. That might be something worth trying on the development side, depending also on what other applications like Word or Pages do.

I'll keep that in mind as something to look into again once I have access to macOS.


[1] "

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