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OK, my mind slipped a gear or two, so I forgot that non-USA people use 
A4 size paper instead of Letter size.
So, for those people, here are the links to the 2 different calendars in 
both A4 size paper and Letter size paper.  The A4 size has all of the 
holidays removed, since they were mostly the USA holidays.
As with the Letter size versions, I offer PDF and ODT versions.  I use 
this type of calendar myself and type in the known appointments, 
meetings, etc., near the last day of the month for the next months 
dates/times.  I have been doing this for years.  The date "cells" are 
large enough for writing in things, as needed.  I tend to post both the 
current month and the next month on my refrigerated so I can look at the 
upcoming appointments/meetings without getting out my appointment book.
So let me know what you think of these calendars.

I will do edited, as needed, to them when the new 4.2 design theme comes out. I was told that there are some new designs coming out with 4.2, so there may be some different looks. Also, if I can get enough non-dated [or dated for future events] photos, images, graphics, etc., I was planning on creating a "standard" photo style wall calendar with the LO theme[s] and maybe offer it up on for "professional printing" [profit goes to LO] along with the files posted somewhere.
Also, let me know where is the best place to place them on the LO Wiki 
site.  I think these type of LO themed files should be on a LO page with 
other calendars and items people create for our users to download and use.
NOTE: since someone stated that the "styles" were not properly used, I 
have to state that the original template was a .doc file and I did not 
create or change any "style" type of option when editing the content of 
the template for use with these calendars.  So please do not tell me 
that there is a problem with my use of Styles in these files.  It is 
hard to find a good looking, and editable, calendar template that can be 
used this way.

A4 paper size - White Banner -  no holidays

A4 paper size - Green Banner -  no holidays


Letter - White Banner Top 

Letter - Green Banner Top 

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