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Le 13-02-01 01:11 PM, webmaster-Kracked_P_P a écrit :

[...] Win7 laptop runs the DVD labeling software for printing [both
for the Epson and Canon].[...]

This would be a deal breaker for me. In my past burns of LibreOffice
DVDs I designed the workflow  so anyone would be able to produce the
same DVDs (including the label) using 100% free open source software. A
quick search, however, turned up this handy workaround, by copying the
image to be printed to USB (via network), the drivers or native apps
aren't needed at all:

[..] I would never use the laptop's burner for much burning, since I
was doing that for an HP's laptop backups and had to replace the DVD
burner twice during the warranty period. [..]

Yes, it's about the only hardware peripheral where "for domestic use
only" seems to mean "one dvd per month only" :)


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