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Hi guys,

Published updates to:
- slight format change
- added links to each madule name
- added start center screen shot
- returned the NA section that was lost in the split
- light text changes
- some formatting changes
- all files now linked (please check)
- some text changes
- light formatting changes
- All files should now be linked
- light formatting chagnes
- all files now linked
- added link to graphic images
- slight format change

Known problems/issues/questions:
- Tim had posted a link to a disc label with version, do we want to use
- Some files under Hebreew is not linked
- move and link Libo Calc Guide files

Everone - please look at this:
- point at obvious problems
- make suggestions (althoug I hope we can move quick, so if the
suggestion is to completly start over..I might bawk..*smile*)

Otherwise - Tim, Marc I think the files are quite clean now and editing
in the CMS eidtor should not be an issue at all. So have at it..

I'll be touching the pages documenation and isntall today, but none of
the others, at least not today/



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