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Le 2011-05-17 22:40, Carl Symons a écrit :
Hello North American Marketing team,

I took a ToDo on the IRC meeting to explore the possibility of using
Alfresco for collaboration related to LibreOffice NA marketing.

There is a Marketing space on Alfresco that is not being used.
Although I'm registered, I don't have sufficient system permissions to
do much group-wise. Jean Hollis Weber from the Documentation team
suggested that Marc may know who has sufficient admin rights to set up
collaborative efforts for NA Marketing. From looking around the
Documentation space, it looks like Alfresco would be outstanding for
the projects we've discussed.

She also suggested a couple of other people who might be able to help
get things going.

I'll report back when I've got more information.


Hi Carl

You may want to ask David Nelson on the Documentation list. I believe that he is in charge of the Alfresco server. I don't have an Alfresco account.


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