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On Sat, 2011-05-14 at 09:57 -0400, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions wrote:

On 05/14/2011 09:18 AM, Carl Symons wrote:
On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 6:02 AM, drew<>  wrote:
On Sat, 2011-05-14 at 08:25 -0400, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions wrote:
On 05/14/2011 01:53 AM, Marc Paré wrote:
Hi everyone

I've corrected problems with the tables on both US and Can
sections[1]. I've also simplified the menu as it was just showing too
many unnecessary items and complicated the menu for no reason. I have
also added the language bar on the US-marketing pages as some of these
need to be translated into ES and FR.

NB: Florian has replaced the wiki WYSIWYG editor and the new editor
now works correctly.

Let me know if there are any problems with any pages on the marketing
wiki pages.




What is the "State Leaders"?
Good question - my .02 would be to remove that verbiage.


I added a blurb about the leadership structure. It is not too early to
be thinking about world domination and the requisite hierarchy B^)
Otherwise, I agree with Drew.

Just something to think about...
What should these positions be called...troika, archbishop, cardinal
and various presbytery would be kinda cool. Dear Leader and everyone
else for those so inclined. With the armada of paper airplanes, it
would be appropriate to have the LibreAirForce--lieutenant, captain,
major, colonel, general. LibreOffice<  >LibreAirForce...yeah!

How about something like a user-selectable ranking scheme?
I like the idea of having a list of volunteers by State or Region.
That way people could see where the nearest volunteer is to their location.

If we get a volunteer list of 50 to 200 people this way, we may be able 
to see if there is enough people in an area to support going to some 
event.  These events may not be strictly Linux expos, but business 
related so we could get a table and let these business people know about 
our great free office suite.  As one business man told me Thursday, he 
does not know from day to day if he will have enough clients that wants 
printing done, to cover the bills and pay for his family's needs.  He is 
down to to one employee, himself, when he use to have 3 or 4 workers.  
So he liked the idea of something free.

Another business, a used book store, had OOo 2.x installed for those 
people who send to her "documents that need it".  She used Windows and 
her son uses Linux.  She has broadband in her store and dial-up at 
home.  So I gave her a copy of the NA-DVD a few weeks ago.

I still think having a list of people/businesses where you can get a 
copy of a CD or DVD of the current package would help spread the message 
that LibreOffice is in the Office market.  I know many businesses that 
do not download software.  The must have a CD or DVD copy to use, or 
they will not use it.  Also there are many people out there who cannot 
download the package due to limited bandwidth or download speed [think 
dial-up service speeds].  It would take too long to do the downloading 
with those limitations.  This would be a good service to provide for 
them.  That is one reason I got involved in the NA-DVD project, to 
create a DVD that has everything that we could think of that a user 
could use and place it on one DVD for them to use.  Right now we have 
the Win/Linux/Mac DVD [3.1 GB] and a Win-only [1.4 GB] version.  If I 
was able to do a business out of my apartment, I would provide such a 
service, but the rules on subsidized handicapped apartments will not 
allow it.  The cost of an OOo CD/DVD used to be about $10 - $15, on 
average including shipping.  That was a few years ago.  You can ship to 
any state in the USA for about $5 or less and the media and cost of 
making the discs may be about $2 or $3.  Then, if there is a profit, 
maybe some of it could be donated to "the cause" of marketing 
LibreOffice in the region or country that service it in.

Any ideas about a service to send a CD/DVD to potential users?  We give 
them away at events, but with such a service we can get more copies to 
of the suite out to those who want it.

I think the idea of local contacts is a good one. In large states like
NY and Ga you would want contacts scattered across the state. Such in
Texas someone Houston might like the idea of a local who they can

I prefer the title Grand Aardvark
Jay Lozier

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