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On 05/14/2011 12:36 PM, C. Olofson wrote:
Howdy all;

First off, the people responsible for the NA DVD project have made a top-notch product. Congratulations (and thanks)! Honestly, the labels & sleeves compare very favorably with those I can find on local shelves.

There's been conversation about individuals doing media runs. I can't imagine doing that with the type of equipment I'd be willing to bring in-house. My hat's off to you. What I am wondering is whether LibO NA contacts have any (positive) experience with DVD duplication services.

I don't. But, using my masterful google-fu, I've come across a couple of local shops which are offering thermal transfers & color cardboard (2-panel) pockets for around $2.07 per 250-run (~$518 total for an 8-day turnaround).

I can imagine this kind of service might be useful for NA at large. This way, we could keep tabs on who has a current stash and forward it on to those in need, in the same way that Drew requested the banner for SouthEast Linux fest. But, getting back to the specific request:

Does anyone on this list have experience with media dupe services? If so, I'd like to have a side convo covering preferred suppliers and expected pricing.

I prefer the lower unit print-on-demand services, when available. It will cost more per unit, but you can order only the amount you need. I would buy then from 10 to 30 at a time for my handing out. But if you can get a nice one, you could set it up to have it take orders from "customers" who would lake their own copies of the DVDs that are professional print quality. I cannot do a business out of my apartment, so I cannot take orders from those who would like a copy, but others may be able to do this. So for me, if I can get the equipment [buy or borrow] to print the labels onto the media, and then have the paper items professionally printed [folded and cut to size], then it would be easy to just put them together myself and hand them out or sent them to people I know wants them. I just cannot collect money for doing this in my place, due to regulation with handicapped apartments.

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