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On Wed, 2011-05-04 at 15:10 +0200, Florian Effenberger wrote:

in order to raise awareness for our marketing conference calls, what do 
you think about sending out an announcement to announce@? No formal PR, 
just a short note. I just digged through the archives, and we didn't 
send something out like that yet, I only blogged about it.

I don't want to spam people, but on the other hand, raising awareness 
for it could greatly help getting marketing contributors, and shows the 
world what we're doing.

I don't think pushing out an email on announce, once a month, would be
spamming. Then again might be a way to start talking about a monthly
newsletter - marketing sounds like a section name, to me anyhow. 

Also a suggestion to do the same for all four marketing mailing lists,
Int., PY, ES and US, as a standard matter of practice.

Even if only in English, I don't believe folks on the Spanish speaking
lists will mind. (?) Speaking English on the call, IMO, is likely more
of a hurdle for some, I know speaking Spanish would be for me. That's a
different issue I suppose, but still, it does IMO help when the
invitation is direct.

So - hope you don't mind but I added those two other ml addresses here.

The doodle page for the next call BTW:

Thanks for seeing to this each month,

Drew Jesnsen

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