On Sat, 2011-04-16 at 09:21 -0400, Marc Paré wrote:
I am not sure and can't seem to find it in my notes yet, but had we
agreed on an American company for this already, and it was also able
serve up the Canadian market.
Hi Marc,
I want to be very clear on this - This is NOT an official outlet or
This is a resource that Andy wants to make available. If people want to
make use of it they can, if they choose to use another resource they, of
course, are free to do that.
To make this more then just words the plan is to have the art work for
any item that is made available through this service available from the
TDF wiki - so truly anyone is welcome to fulfill their needs using any
resource they like.
Specifically - as for Canadian deliveries, they are supported IIRC by
this resource.
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- Re: [us-marketing] Re: LibreOffice North American Community meeting - April 2011 (continued)
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