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On 02/26/2011 11:51 AM, Jon Hamkins wrote:
On 02/18/2011 06:11 AM, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:

So does anyone know a way to get the White House, or the proper people
in the US government, to look at LibreOffice's efforts in the open
source community and to review the software package?
A couple of years ago I started putting together a lengthy seminar for 
my employer, NASA/JPL, to explain why ODF and OOo (this was pre-LibO) 
were good things to support throughout the laboratory.  I never 
finished it, but I was thinking of revamping this for LibO.  If anyone 
wants to help contribute, let me know.
...  I am absolutely convinced that the U.S. government could save 
quite a bit of money, without sacrificing quality, by moving to LibO.

I'd like to help in this.  Two things:

- The federal branch is one substantial target, but there are a lot of others in the same procurement space [e.g. 1,2]. I think we should, at least, scope whether to adopt the collateral you worked on to include interests & requirements for state, province, etc.

Let me know how you'd like to proceed...


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