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On 02/23/2011 03:17 PM, drew wrote:
On Wed, 2011-02-23 at 13:53 -0500, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions wrote:
I worked on the Extras and Additional Software page and folder.

I took some packages out.
Found the Mac text editor is now paid only.
I added some to it.

The folder that holds the English versions of these Win, Linux, and Mac OSX
packages is about 253 MB.  That makes this English N.A. DVD so far 4.1
GB in size.
Not much room for any more packages [i.e. French and Spanish versions]
WOW - well that is quite the list there. You if nothing else, for me
anyway, that is nice to have all in one place.

Well I just redid Extension page, AGAIN. The long Spanish file names 
were causing trouble with Roxio burning software.  Had to reduce their 
name lengths.  Then re-link these shorter names to the page.
The actual working folder had some folders not being used on the web 
site or DVD.  The actual file size in the web-page folder, a sub-folder 
from the one I keep all my web pages in for ease of use with FileZilla, 
is actually about 3.6 GB.  That is much better than 4.1 GB.
I have been working on an English Free and Open Source package list.
Since I moved over to Ubuntu for my desktop, I have not updated it,
much, in the past year.  So I have this list.  The German language
version had a German language site listed near the bottom of the page.
It looks like it is for an Open Source DVD

Another wow - that is also nice. I take it this page is permanent and I
can use it as a reference?

The "" page? That one has been up for 4 to 5 years 
now.  I do not maintain it as often as I use to.  The last update I did 
was after 4 or 5 months when I added LibreOffice to the list.<>and here is
the English translation
of that page.
Well, not sure what you are, or if you are, asking here - BUT if you are
thinking that you would like to assemble a disk similar to the then I will absolutely be willing to help work on that
with you. I would think that using most of the html pages you have put
together for the NA-CommDVD site you have up as a starting basis would
make sense, and suspect no one would mind. I feel strongly that at that
point we need to call it something else, The Lungstrum List DVD or such,
and I would certainly be happy to work on graphics and the like for the
new theme.

ooops - LungstrOm, not LungstrUm. common mistake since the "u" was the normal spelling and it was spelled that way by Ellis Island people, so it stuck.
No not a disc.  I wondered if we can add our favorite sites for free and 
open source packages, like my "/list/" page listed above.  I do not want 
to try to keep such a DVD up-to-date.  My site points to the actual 
download pages so I do not need to host the actual files and have to 
keep it up-to-date.

If we go forward with that we should move off this list perhaps, but in
a due time.

Going forward with a NA LibreOffice disc, just my opinion, but I think
we should take a breath and on Tuesday[1] next all look at what is the
right direction to take. I'm not talking about stopping, rather think of
this last few weeks as having been a sprint[2], and now it's time to
stop look at what we have, what is on your site, what I have on this DVD
(I'll put the iso up to a location for the others here to have access to
over the weekend) and what is in the LibreOfficeBox.

Just my thoughts on it this moment.

Best wishes, and again I'm really excited about what you are doing here

Well I am about to work on the typos now. The Extras page was the last big issue for me.
I wonder when the Writer Guide will be back online.  Plus I would like 
to see more of the documentation finished for LibreOffice so I do not 
need to point to OOo's document files.  As for a break, I do not have 
one.  Tonight is a "board meeting", Thursday is a double nerve block.  
The calendar is full of this and that.  Besides, I only work on this DVD 
for a few hours a day, until my back and shoulders scream for me to 
stop.  The last time I did a full shift at a computer/desk 5 days a 
week, I was on Methadone and Oxycodone and I still ended up collapsing 
from the pain.  That was the last day I "worked" for a living.  I spend 
one-third to one-half of my day watching TV or reading, if I am not 
going to an appointment somewhere close.  I have to so my pain levels do 
not spike.
[1] In an Agile process we might call this a SCRUM, kind-a sort-a.
- also Monday I'll be traveling so no real access to the net, but you
guys could start on Monday..and I expect to be on-line all weekend :)

[2] Sprint as a period of actions in a development process

I took that link out, since it is for a German language DVD. I wonder if
I should put in my free list link and some others that may be good to
use.  I have not done that yet.

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