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On Thu, 2011-02-17 at 13:52 -0500, Rob Cummings wrote:
Hi all...

Personally, I'm not a big fan of center-justified anything.  Center
justification should be reserved for strict formality, which I don't
think this is. I think it would be much more dynamic with some visual
element included (photo, line drawing, icon, etc.).
Howdy Rob,

Well, we could drop the amount all together from the tag line.

I think it's important to retain the legal name of the organization
collecting the funds, but after that - if you want to try a re-write, or
just a re-format, of it, in it's entirety nothing stopping you from
doing so - as I said, I don't own this. I would like to take something
similar to this to the show on Friday next - if the form stays so that I
can make two flyers per page, and you keep the spacing with the Logo
(.2" top/bottom is the current setting, the graphic has none) go for it
- if it is a re-write please put it on the wiki as a different named
file and drop an email here. The text is going to be on the web site, as
it is now on the paper - so if we pulled back some of the 'German'
foundation wording to just 'foundation' it wouldn't hurt.
Also, I'm concerned how this may play in the USA.  For the US, would
it make sense to state the goal in US dollars?  Maybe the
"$68,000-Dollar Challenge"? Or maybe we can round up to $70k.
Collecting Euros, though, appears to exclude the USA from benefiting,
even though we all know that's not the case.
Everyone benefits - and looking at the start, I again will say that I
think 50,000 is conservative, I bet it breaks well before the end of
March. (I'm would bet, assuming someone started a board...oh I don't
know second Tuesday of March, what ever date that is..if there was a
pool going, that is...which there isn't, I assure you.)

Creating the QR codes is simple. I'll do that now and follow up with a
That would be great - thanks.

Quick intro about me: I've been a long-time lurker on the OOo and now
LibO mailing lists.  I lurk in the IRC channels as well (as Equis).
I've been using LibreOffice as my company's primary office suite since
it was StarOffice back in 2001.  I'm an architectural and graphic
designer and use exclusively FOSS applications.

Best wishes,


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