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On 02/09/2011 12:25 PM, drew wrote:

Sorry, realized that I did not get back to your last email on the design
list about this - with the question about price.

Ah, I assume at this point you ordered already from vista print - if not
that is what I would do, 

but also if not then Bernhards last comment was
correct I could use to center that just a tad more - the darn Contemp
logo has some extra space around a sub-object and I knew that form other
mistakes but forgot and hit the center function right before the
save...which works fine or the other standard logo. 
I left the large banner as is. I took the large banner svg and
downscaled it for the free banner.

Anyway - sorry for the delay, let me know what you did or want to do.
No prob. I'm reasonably self-actuating when given the right input.

I do appreciate what you are doing and so do others, I know for a fact.
Cheers! See you in few weeks.

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