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Hi there,

On Tue, 2011-01-25 at 18:43 -0800, NoOp wrote:
It also still uses soffice.exe et all in Windows; meaning that LO still
takes over OOo if both are installed in parallel.
        Unfortunately, there is some inevitability of conflict here. This would
have always been the situation between StarOffice and OpenOffice in the
past eg. AFAIK (and I am no expert), we would both want to clobber the
same COM component names - and remove them socially on uninstall etc.
Short of the typical "I notice XYZ other app is the default, do you want
to change to me" type code that would need adding on both sides, there
will be issues here for a while.

 The latter seems MS like; are LO insistent on obliterating OOo by
continuing to use OOo registry entries and executable file names?
        If you install OO.o over LO - you will find it does the same thing;
there is no malice implied on either side.

That SVG import still is incomplete and doesn't work properly. In fact
SVG import is pretty much an ongoing joke (whether it be OOo-go-oo or LO).
        Well; it does something useful; we (and you) are welcome to make it
better. In my view, something useful is almost always better than
nothing, even if it is not perfect. Perhaps the most serious thing it
does is showcase the poor performance of draw with lots of complex
shapes - something that is intrinsic to draw, but of course not seen if
you don't load any data into it ;-)

Sorry, but IMO RC4/Final should have waited awhile until some of the
more basic bugs were resolved.
        I am sorry you think so. But rest assured, you'll have plenty of time
to fix and test bug fixes for 3.3.1 with us all. It is not as if the
baseline we are starting from is bug-free perfection too.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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