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Le 2011-01-01 23:30, cocofan a écrit :
    This is in response to getting help at Linuxfest. I'm using digest
mode for this mailing list so I can't respond to the actual post

    I may be able to help out as I'm in Portland, OR which is a ~7 hour
ride to Bellingham via Greyhound or Amtrak. But I don't think I can do a
talk or something as I'm pretty new to OpenOffice/LibreOffice.  I was
Google Summer of Code student in 2009 but I haven't gotten back into
doing anything for LibreOffice yet (I have trouble getting any spare
time to do so).  But I can maybe help with setting up, manning a booth,
passing information out, etc.

                        Dona Hertel

Hi Dona:

We are looking for people to help and that would be great. I have added the LinuxFest to the events calendar [1] as well as your name (tentatively).
If you are willing to help, could you also add your name to the US 
membership list? You will find it on the marketing wiki pages.[2] Let us 
know if you have any problems with adding your name to the table on the 
page and we will help out.

Canadian marketing team member


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