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Le 2010-12-30 19:56, Sadiq S a écrit :
I'm not sure if this is the right list to ask this but I think this goes
under marketing as well.

Will LibreOffice/TDF have custom IRC vhosts for supporters/staff/team

Something like this:

staticsafe [~staticsaf@libreoffice/supporter]
staticsafe [~staticsaf@libreoffice/marketing]

I think it is great promotion of LibreOffice for those of us who use IRC


Sadiq S
staticsafe on Freenode
mailto: |
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

I personally do not think that there is a need for may IRC channels. It 
just makes it more complex to maintain. From what I can see the IRC 
channels available are mostly for TDF/LibO work related groups. Are 
there any large sites that have this many IRC channels? Maybe give us an 
example where a large site maintains a large list of IRC channels 
related to their community/product?

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