2014-01-30 Niklas Johansson <sleeping.pillow@gmail.com
Tidigare idag släpptes LibreOffice 4.2.
Observera att den svenska versionen inte är helt översatt.
Förhoppningsvis kommer den att vara det när LibreOffice 4.2.1
släpps om ungefär en månad. Tänk även på att tidiga versioner kan
innehålla buggar, så använder du LibreOffice i skolan/på arbetet
så bör du överväga att använda LibreOffice 4.1-serien tills
4.2-serien nått version 4.2.4 eller senare.
Jag vill inte vara gnällig, men du får det att låta som att sena
versioner (där tredje siffran är hög, exempelvis 4.2.7) är buggfria.
Det finns inget program i världen av samma storleksordning som är ens
i närheten av att vara buggfria, oavsett versionsnummer. Riktigt små
program kanske, stora kontorsprogram icke. Ser fram emot att bli
motbevisad, dock.
Jag har själv försökt använda LibreOffice i några år med höga
versionsnummer (åter igen tredje siffran hög) och det ledde bara till
att en av mina viktigaste filer förstördes. Lyckligtvis kunde jag
reparera filen med Apache OpenOffice. Inte för att jag vill göra
reklam; Apache OpenOffice är också fullt av buggar, men så var det i
alla fall just den gången.
Var en gång i tiden ambitiös och anmälde de buggar jag råkade på,
detta var på OpenOffice.org 1.x-tiden och en bit in på 2.x, men i och
med LibreOffice blev det så många buggar att jag inte visste var jag
skulle börja, så jag orkade helt enkelt inte. Det kanske säger mer om
mig än om LibreOffice dock, vad vet jag?
Hur som helst, buggfritt? Det tror jag när jag ser det. Om ens då…
Men jag förstår poängen. Ju högre versionsnummer (som sagt, tredje
siffran), desto stabilare. Det köper jag.
Många använder ju bara en liten delmängd av stora program som detta,
så det är ju möjligt att många användare aldrig råkar ut för några
buggar, även om de finns tusentals, men det är ju en annan sak. Jag
tycks göra de saker man inte testat, verkar det som…
Johnny Rosenberg
En nyhet som inte nämns i pressmeddelandet nedan är en uppdaterad
stavningskontroll, tack igen Göran för ditt arbete.
-------- Ursprungligt meddelande --------
Ämne: [tdf-announce] LibreOffice 4.2
Datum: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 13:05:04 +0100
Från: Italo Vignoli <italo.vignoli@documentfoundation.org
Svar till: italo.vignoli@documentfoundation.org
Organisation: The Document Foundation
Till: announce@documentfoundation.org
LibreOffice 4.2: focusing on performance and interoperability,
and improving the integration with Microsoft Windows
Berlin, January 30, 2014 - The Document Foundation announces
4.2, a new major release targeted to early adopters and another
significant step forward for the best free office suite ever.
LibreOffice 4.2 features a large number of performance and
interoperability improvements targeted to users of all kinds, but
particularly appealing for power and enterprise users. In addition, it
is better integrated with Microsoft Windows.
Calc has gone through the largest code refactoring ever, giving major
performance wins for big data (especially when calculating cell
and importing large and complex XLSX spreadsheets), while an optional
new formula interpreter enables massively parallel calculation of
formula cells using the GPU via OpenCL. The latter works best with a
Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA) such as the new AMD Kaveri
Round-trip interoperability with Microsoft OOXML, particularly for
as well as legacy RTF, has also improved considerably. Also, new
filters for Abiword documents and Apple Keynote presentations have
LibreOffice 4.2 offers two Windows specific improvements for business
users: a simplified custom install dialog to avoid potential mistakes,
and the ability to centrally manage and lock-down the
configuration with
Group Policy Objects via Active Directory. All users benefit from
integration with Windows 7 and 8, with thumbnails of open
documents now
grouped by application and a list of recent documents, both showing on
the task bar.
Power users on all platforms will like the flexibility of the Expert
Configuration window, which has been added to the Advanced Options
This feature can be easily turned off, for large deployments and basic
LibreOffice 4.2 offers a new Start screen, with a cleaner layout that
makes better use of the available space - even on small screens - and
shows a preview of the last documents.
On the mobile side, LibreOffice now supports an Impress Remote Control
for iOS - in addition to the already available Impress Remote Control
for Android - which allows visual management of presentation
delivery on
the laptop using the screen of an iPhone or iPad. The app is currently
waiting for review from Apple, and will be announced as soon as it is
available on iTunes Store.
LibreOffice 4.2 is the first open source suite to ship a new Windows
(IAccessible2 based) accessibility feature developed by IBM. This is
considered experimental for this release, but will replace legacy Java
based accessibility in the next major release.
The LibreOffice User Interface continues to undergo significant
with 70% of our dialogs now refreshed and many distributed UI tweaks.
This release also includes a beautiful new "flat" icon theme - Sifr -
and an updated set of default document styles.
All new and improved features of LibreOffice 4.2, including those not
listed here, are summarized in this webpage:
Meet the community
In early February, the LibreOffice community will gather at FOSDEM
in Brussels, where developers will present at the Open Document
DevRoom the latest and greatest technologies integrated by
and other volunteers will meet free software advocates at the
LibreOffice booth.
In early March, The Document Foundation will exhibit at CeBIT in
Hannover to showcase LibreOffice 4.2: Hall 6, Booth H14.
Downloading LibreOffice
LibreOffice 4.2 is immediately available for download from the
link: http://www.libreoffice.org/download/. Extensions for LibreOffice
are available from the following link:
Support The Document Foundation
LibreOffice users, free software advocates and community members can
support The Document Foundation with a donation at
http://donate.libreoffice.org. Money collected will be used to
grow the
infrastructure, and support marketing activities to increase the
awareness of the project, both at global and local level.
Thanks to the efforts of several native language projects and
volunteers, this press release is also available in Arabic, Czech,
Dutch, French, Galician, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian
Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish and Turkish from this page:
http://blog.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice-4-2/. We will add other
languages in the future.
Short link to The Document Foundation blog: http://wp.me/p1byPE-sG.
Italo Vignoli - Director
mob +39.348.5653829 <tel:%2B39.348.5653829> - sip
italo@libreoffice.org <mailto:italo@libreoffice.org>
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