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Från: *Charles-H. Schulz*
Datum: onsdagen den 6:e november 2013
Ämne: [libreoffice-website] Redesigning the website
Till: website@global.libreoffice.org
Kopia: marketing@global.libreoffice.org
The time has come for us to work on a new and improved web site for
While it served us well for several years already, it has also shown some
downsides and people tend to complain more.
Because of this the board has decided to start a website redesign project
and as such the first thing that needs to be clarified is to define the
scope of this website redesign.
Technically speaking we will continue using our SilverStripe platform; we
won't pick a new CMS (they are more or less the same for what needs to be
We will not be targetting any of the current development and communications
platforms: gerrit, git repos, the wiki, the mailing lists etc. fall out of
the scope of our discussion.
For practical reasons, so do the templates and the extensions sites.
What needs to be redesigned then falls under three categories:
* the "design" itself (understand: the theme, the general look of the
* the content. We may reuse some of it as there are certainly some good
bits available, but we will also reorganize the way we think about the
general presentation of the website. In this regard the discussion about
how to engage users to the LibreOffice community and the resulting survey
that has just been launched will help on this matter. But we obviously need
to think about the landing page.
* while the technical bits themselves are not covered for this specific
aspect, we would need to think about the whole download experience and the
download page itself.
Requirements: that's the nice part :-)
- we will have a test environment with a SilverStripe instance to build out
the website.
- designers are welcome: this will be a key part of the project. The
board has published a job posting on this a few days ago.
General comments:
This redesign is very much an end-user focused initiative and as such a
marketing need. I must stress again that this isn't a project where we
decided to overhaul the online development and collaborative work tools.
This is rather the opportunity to develop a nice looking, clear front
facing website for LibreOffice. Another element that should not be
forgotten is to make sure the Native-Lang communities are not forgotten and
are included in this redesign.
I'm happy to work not just Christian Lohmaier here but with everyone who'd
like to help.
Charles-H. Schulz
Co-founder, The Document Foundation,
Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
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- [sv-discuss] Fwd: [libreoffice-website] Redesigning the website · Niklas Johansson
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