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Certos bate-papos informais e ocasionais dão frutos... Em Berlim 2012 eu
conversei com o Kendy sobre o Personas do Firefox e mostrei pra ele como
fica no navegador. Ele gostou da ideia e me mostrou onde mexer no código
pra implementar. Bem, eu não tive tempo e ele acabou fazendo por conta
própria. Trata-se de decorar o LibreOffice com os Personas do Firefox.

Agora estamos na fase de testes. Abaixo ele pede a todos para testar e
reportar erros. Pra dar um gostinho de como fica, vejam essas imagens:

Isso deve estar nos build diários, ainda não foi inserido no LO 4.0.

OBs. Podem tuitar, postar e divulgar a vontade.


-------- Mensagem original --------
Assunto: LATE FEATURE: Personas in LibreOffice
Data: Mon, 07 Jan 2013 11:32:40 +0100
De: Jan Holesovsky <>
Para: LibreOffice Developer List <>,
libo-ux-advise <>
CC: Caolán McNamara <>, Olivier Hallot
<>, "Stefan Knorr (Astron)"

Hi Astron, Caolán, Olivier, all,

I'd like to ask you [or any additional reviewers :-)] for review of a
late 4.0 feature - the Firefox Personas for LibreOffice.  It is supposed
to work like this:

- the user chooses Tools -> Options -> Personalization -> Select Persona
- then navigates to, and chooses Persona she
- copies the URL of that Persona to clipboard, pastes that to the
  dialog, [OK]
- closes the Options with [OK]

And the the Persona is used in LibreOffice, like this:


Depends on the taste - there are 35k Personas to choose from :-)  Of
course, switching the Personas off again is trivial in Tools -> Options
-> Personalization too.

The patches that do that are quite small, in fact just this:

But - there is one catch.  There was no way to load .jpg directly in vcl
(but logically, the functionality belongs there), so I moved
GraphicFilter from svtools to vcl.  The move will also allow
simplification of some code in desktop/ I believe.

Also there were some bugs in vcl that were triggered by the feature; and
I fixed them.  Consequently, the full list of patches to cherry-pick to
libreoffice-4-0 is:

git log
git log
git log

Please let me know if this is acceptable, and if you need any help with
the review.

Thank you a lot,

Olivier Hallot
Founder, Board of Directors Member - The Document Foundation
The Document Foundation, Zimmerstr. 69, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Fundação responsável civilmente, de acordo com o direito civil
Detalhes Legais:
LibreOffice translation leader for Brazilian Portuguese

Olivier Hallot
Comunidade LibreOffice

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