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Good afternoon,

 My name is Silfarnei, I am part of the body's IT Avenorte in Cianorte Parana. We are in process of 
implementation of BrOffice (an awesome tool), and how do deprache in any transition, there are 
problems and need help to solve them. These are:

     When opening spreadsheets is the same color unconfigured;
     When opening spreadsheets with charts, they will be mangled, and the tables below the graphics 
that were displayed in the office, are not displayed when opening the BrOffice (option data table 
of the graph);
     Is there a tutorial on creating macros in Office Br?;

 Thanks in advance.


 Support Analyst - IT - Avenorte Avicola Cianorte Ltd.
 (44) 9115-4637
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