Sourcefile is eerder genoemd in de mail:
Op 07-01-16 om 21:26 schreef Leo Moons:
Hallo Cor en alle anderen,
Veel geluk en voorspoed in 2016.
Heb je de odt versie van de kalender want de dagen van de week zijn nog in het
Engels. Ik wil ze met plezier vertalen.
Vriendelijke groeten
Op 5 januari 2016 om 22:33 schreef Cor Nouws <>:
Beste allemaal,
Onderstaande is voor Nederlands beschikbaar op
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [libreoffice-marketing] LibreOffice Calendar 2016
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 12:14:23 -0200
From: Eliane Domingos de Sousa <>
Organization: The Document Foundation
To: LibreO - Marketing Global <>
Hello beautiful Community,
Of course I could not forget our calendar in LibreOffice Draw. So, I
created the calendar for the next year, in English and there is no
holidays. Feel free to insert your holidays in the calendar.
The source file is here:
I wish all of you a great year, with peace, sucess and health.
Thanks for all support during 2015.
With all my love,
Eliane Domingos de Sousa
Comunidade LibreOffice Brasil
Membro do Conselho Diretor da TDF
Brazilian LibreOffice Community
TDF Member of the Board of Directors
Experimente o sistema de perguntas e respostas da Comunidade LibreOffice
EDX Coworking & Business Club
Seu espaço de trabalho e negócios no centro do Rio de Janeiro
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