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Hoi mensen,

Voor hen die geïnteresseerd zijn in de marketing: morgen op 12 uur onze
tijd is er een call je kunt bijwonen. Zie onderstaand.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [libreoffice-projects] IMPORTANT Marketing Conference Call
Date: Mon, 16 May 2016 22:36:28 +0200
From: Italo Vignoli <>
Organization: LibreOffice

Marketing Conference Call for May is scheduled for Tuesday, May 17, at
10AM UTC (noon CEST), based on the different people who have filled in
the Doodle.

The agenda for the call is the following:

1. Announcement of LibreOffice 5.2: team brainstorming

2. Preparation of announcement materials: discussion of needs

3. Organization of pre-announcements for journalists

4. Creation of specific badges/barnstars for LibreOffice 5.2

5. Launch of "Week/Month of LibreOffice 5.2" in August?

6. LibreOffice events around the world (e.g. FUEL/GILT in India)

7. Other topics suggested by participants

I will connect people who have filled in the Doodle using Google
Hangout, as we are missing phone numbers for Taiwan and India. Other
people interested in joining the call should provide their Google
Hangout ID.

Looking forward to hearing you!

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile +39.348.5653829 - email / jabber
hangout / jabber - skype italovignoli
GPG Key ID - 0xAAB8D5C0
DB75 1534 3FD0 EA5F 56B5 FDA6 DE82 934C AAB8 D5C0

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