2015-02-27 0:02 GMT+01:00 Cor Nouws <oolst@nouenoff.nl>:
Kijk, mooi nieuws voor de mensen die aan Documentatie werken! Denk ik.
Klinkt zeker goed, alleen heb ik nu nog geen idee hoe we dit op moeten
zetten. Waar staat het, wie maakt accounts aan, hoe werkt het, hoe zetten
we onze bestaande documenten er op? Is er een beschrijving van?
Lijkt me goed om ons daar in te verdiepen.
hartelijke groeten,
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Translation of LibreOffice Guides on Github
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 11:22:49 +0100
From: Milos Sramek <sramek.milos@gmail.com>
To: Libreoffice ln10 <l10n@global.libreoffice.org>
For each LibreOffice component there exists a Guide: XX. The
documentation team keeps them up to date, the work on update for LO4.4
has just started. It would be great if we had their translations to as
many languages as possible. For this we have developed a workflow, which
is based on the OmegaT translation tool and its support for
collaborative translation by means of a remote repository.
This approach has been tested by translating the Getting Started Guide
4.2 to Slovak. Thanks to OmegaT its update will be now very easy: we
will have to translate just the differences. I think that nobody wants
to translate a single sentence twice and OmegaT fulfills this
requirement perfectly.
TDF (Sophie, Norbert and others) has created for this purpose a
repository in the Libreoffice space on Github: XX Once a "OmegaT team
project" is set up there, anybody can join the translation process
through the OmegaT program - no special knowledge of other programs
except for OmegaT is necessary. This is a big advantage. This setup
allows even that two translators translate simultaneously a single
In the Github repository we currently have team projects for fr, de, sk
and cs. In this moment we look for administrators for other languages,
who would set up the repository for their language and later would
organize the translation.
Basic set up of one language is also very easy. OmegaT however offers
some other options which may significantly simplify and speed up the
translation process. This requires some experience - I will be glad to
help you.
These 'other options' include
- creation of a glossary with GUI translations: OmegaT then offers them
in a dropdown menu - one does not have to look up these translation in
Pootle or LO itself.
- reuse of old translation, if you have one. This requires some extra
work (alignment of the original and translation) , but pays well off.
- machine translation. These are usually not perfect, but still can save
a lot of typing. They are offered in OmegaT only as a suggestion, so one
and modify them if necessary.
- reuse translation of LibreOffice Help
Machine translation can be of big advantage if it works. We have used
Google Translate for translation between Slovak and Czech versions. I
estimate that it has reduced the required time by about 75%. Slovak and
Czech are close languages so GT works very well. Maybe that other pairs
work well too (english - ??, french - spanish, spanish-italian,
slovak-polish, german-dutch etc). I've written a simple script to
translate OmegaT translation memory using Google translate (translation
memory is an xml file, where OmegaT stores all translated segments). If
you want to give it a try, I can translate the English, Czech or Slovak
version of the translation memory to your language so that you can check.
with best wishes
email & jabber: sramek.milos@gmail.com
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- [nl-discuss] Re: [nl-documentatie] Fwd: [libreoffice-l10n] Translation of LibreOffice Guides on Github · Kees Kriek
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