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op 05-07-14 09:28, Kees Kriek schreef:
Als ik in 4.3 kies voor Opmaak > Teken en dan de tabpagina Hyperlink open
en dan op de button Gebeurtenissen klik crasht LibreOffice

Hier niet.

Mijn install: Debian + LibreOfice 4.3 RC2 (zie hieronder) + schermafdruk
van exact je omschrijving en de 2 vensters.


root@mestreech:~# dpkg -l | fgrep libreoffice
ii  libreoffice-avmedia-backend-gstreamer 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     amd64        GStreamer 
backend for LibreOffice
ii  libreoffice-base 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     amd64        office productivity suite -- 
ii  libreoffice-base-core 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     amd64        office productivity suite 
-- shared library
ii  libreoffice-base-drivers 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     amd64        Database connectivity 
drivers for LibreOffice
ii  libreoffice-calc 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     amd64        office productivity suite -- 
ii  libreoffice-common 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     all          office productivity suite -- 
arch-independent files
ii  libreoffice-core 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     amd64        office productivity suite -- 
arch-dependent files
ii  libreoffice-draw 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     amd64        office productivity suite -- 
ii  libreoffice-help-nl 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     all          office productivity suite -- 
Dutch help
ii  libreoffice-impress 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     amd64        office productivity suite -- 
ii libreoffice-java-common 1:4.3.0~rc2-1 all office productivity suite -- arch-independent Java support files
ii  libreoffice-kde 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     amd64        office productivity suite -- KDE 
ii  libreoffice-l10n-nl 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     all          office productivity suite -- 
Dutch language package
ii  libreoffice-math 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     amd64        office productivity suite -- 
equation editor
ii  libreoffice-sdbc-firebird 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     amd64        Firebird SDBC driver 
for LibreOffice
ii  libreoffice-sdbc-hsqldb 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     amd64        HSQLDB SDBC driver for 
ii  libreoffice-style-crystal 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     all          office productivity 
suite -- Crystal symbol style
ii  libreoffice-style-galaxy 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     all          office productivity 
suite -- Galaxy (Default) symbol style
ii  libreoffice-style-hicontrast 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     all          office productivity 
suite -- Hicontrast symbol style
ii  libreoffice-style-oxygen 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     all          office productivity 
suite -- Oxygen symbol style
ii  libreoffice-style-sifr 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     all          office productivity suite 
-- Sifr symbol style
ii  libreoffice-style-tango 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     all          office productivity 
suite -- Tango symbol style
ii  libreoffice-writer 1:4.3.0~rc2-1                     amd64        office productivity suite -- 
word processor

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