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2014-05-21 14:47 GMT+03:00 chandrakant dhutadmal <>:

Hi Mikhel.

I was going through your reply to an email from Leo Moons.  I have a
question towards that.

What happens in scenario like the one mentioned below.

Assume that I  download a file from say  accessibility/source/helper.po
and start translating it.

It is also possible that some other translator is translating the same
file online for same language.

When i try to upload my translated file to the same location on Pootle,
what happens to translations done by other online translator (Even though
online translations may be partial translations ) ?

Hi Chandrakant,

Depends on which option you choose when uploading. If you overwrite the
file, then the other translators' work is wiped out. If you merge your work
into existing file, then others' work is preserved, and in case of
conflicts (i.e. you and some other translator have both translated the same
string) yours is added as a suggestion. If you add everything as a
suggestion, then obviously the other translators' work is preserved.

I'd say that normally, the merge option is the most productive.

Best regards,

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