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en ja, ik had het kunnen weten .....!  libreoffice-kde installeren.


-------- Originele bericht --------
Onderwerp:      Re: UI difference LibreOffice
Datum:  Thu, 4 Apr 2013 20:12:01 +0200
Van:    Rene Engelhard <>
Organisatie:    The Debian Project
Aan:    Luc Castermans <>


On Thu, Apr 04, 2013 at 07:57:03PM +0200, Luc Castermans wrote:
 and the second from Debian experimental:

 Now the Debian looks quite ugly compared to the LibreOffice one.

 I wonder if this could be avoided? Or is some policy in the way?

Yes, it can be avoided if one installed the correct packages.
Here: libreoffice-kde. That one contains the integration.

(obviously, this didn't change since OOo 1.x first got KDE support
the last decade.)



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