Beste mensen,
Onderstaand bericht maakt bekend dat de LibreOffice Conferentie 2012 zal
plaatshebben in Berlijn!
De voorstellen staan op deze pagina
vr. groet - Cor
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [tdf-announce] TDF members decide on the 2012 LibreOffice
conference location
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 00:32:48 +0100
From: Thorsten Behrens <>
Today, The Document Foundation proudly announces Berlin, Germany as
the host for this year's LibreOffice conference.
The Document Foundation members jointly decided on the location for
their conference in a public poll [1] that closed last week. Its final
results are now fixed [2].
The Board of Directors congratulates Berlin for having won this year's
LibreOffice conference bid. We sincerely hope to meet many of you
later this year, when in autumn 2012, the LibreOffice conference opens
up in Berlin!
On behalf of the Board of Directors
Thorsten Behrens
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