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Hi Michael:

Le 2011-02-21 15:22, Michael a écrit :
Hi all,

two questions regarding the wiki.

1) on there is the
following statement:
Always add {{OrigLang|}} to the original English page. It will display the
links, to all language versions of this page.

Would it not be more precise to say something like add {{OrigLang|}} to
the original English page if a translation is desired? On some pages like
Development/Easy_Hacks or Design/FoundationChallenge a translation is
probably not necessary.

I was assuming that, seeing as it was agree that the international pages were English, this was by default the original language. So yes, I would assume that this is the case, {{OrigLang|}} would be for English.

2) how do we handle updates on the english page when translations already
exist to indicate that the translated page is not up to date any more? I
don't know if there is a script that can do that but the editor of the
english page that makes a content change could manually add a mark to the
translated pages showing the user that the content may be outdated. At the
moment the user has to compare the timestamp of his localized page with
the english one to see if it could be outdated.

I think that if someone is seriously translating a page, that they would have checked the email update box on the bottom of the editing pages on the wiki (it's there where you are in edit mode) and it will notify you when the page has been changed.




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