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Thank you. I can now log back into Gerrit.

I have changed back to my old e-mail address first in Bugzilla, and then in and I will play it safe and wait a day or so for it to propagate to all the linked systems before I retry moving to my e-mail.

On 2023-11-23 9:44 a.m., Guilhem Moulin wrote:

On Thu, 23 Nov 2023 at 09:23:09 -0500, Patrick Luby wrote:
Starting last night, I can no longer log into Gerrit. I can still submit
patches to Gerrit, but I cannot vote, merge, and comment on my own patches
You locked yourself out when you removed the identity tied to the Single
Sign-On platform from the gerrit UI.  Reverted the change now, please use instead to change email address.
Changes there will propagate to gerrit upon relogin or session renewal.

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