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Hi Emiliano, *,

On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 10:40 PM Emiliano Vavassori
<> wrote:

It has been brought to my attention by Italian NLP leaders that the
LibreOffice website, when viewed in Italian, breaks on translations (for
example, check out what happens on the download page in italian [1]; the
right-sided buttons are not translated and I see their values are in the
HTML code not translated.

That is expected/by design. To have translated sidebar buttons you
need to provide translated content in silverstipe backend on the
download page.
the "Sidebar Button" field labeled "Sidebar buttons, see"; the ticket shows
sample syntax

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Or the donations page [2]: the second part of
the page is not translated at all). This seems to be a long standing
problem (probably years) and we would like to ascertain there is no
misunderstanding in the understanding between TDF and the volunteers, here.

Oh, should not have been a problem for years. Maybe a problem years
back when the strings were added to the website but were not available
on weblate, but that's long fixed since then.

Translators affirm that the untranslated parts of the website are indeed
available and translated inside Weblate. I honestly cannot judge if this
is true or not ATM, but it is quite evident there are some not
particularly nice partial translations there.

I can confirm that e.g the donateyour time string is translated in
weblate (and while a recent change was done only a few days ago for
italian, it already was translated prior to that) - but for some
reason the exported files on the website server do not have the string
for italian (but for a couple of others)

Are you aware of any issues in applying new translation efforts on the

Not problems like that - the translations aren't synced regularly
(then again strings also change very rarely), but I was not aware of
incomplete transfer of strings.

Is Weblate the right tool to source for website translations,
then, or this is still Silverstripe?

A clear "it depends" (see above) - some parts are translated in
weblate (mostly the static downlaod page and donate page strings), but
other parts like project-specific stuff like sidebar buttons where
each NL project might have different coverage/focus is done in

And honestly the migration to new website took/takes longer than
expected, it was already decided long ago that the website system will
change to the git managed site, so no real work was done on the old

What's the expected workflow around
updating NLP pages? Does the same issue occur also on other NLP
projects' websites? Is there an automation pipeline to get newer
translations applied directly from Weblate to the NLP-specific website
or it is still manual work?

That's still manual, introducing new strings into the system would
require manual update of the strings that are available in weblate,
and then exporting strings from weblate to silverstripe is also manual
since the yaml file needs to meet certain formatting standards/cannot
be used directly.

I think it might have been a bug in one of weblate's dependencies that
got updated meanwhile, at least when I export the italian website file
now I get the DonateTimeHeader string...


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