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On Tue, 04 May 2021 at 15:49:54 +0200, Guilhem Moulin wrote:
On Tue, 04 May 2021 at 09:41:47 -0400, Marc Paré wrote:
There seems to be a certificate issue with FireFox accessing
""; site.
Perhaps all of the TDF and LibreOffice owned domains should be checked
to make sure they are not throwing certificate warnings by using the
"https" protocols.

This is a parked domain, not something that should be linked anywhere so
normally not something that should be visited by browsers with a real
human behind (esp. with https:// scheme).  Our parked domains don't have
“proper” X.509 certificates: I'd argue that there is no value in doing
that, and the obvious downside is that it shrinks our ACME issuance
quotas at Let's Encrypt.

See also .


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