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Hi Ilmari,

Il 22/04/20 20:18, Ilmari Lauhakangas ha scritto:
What's up with the wild world of conference calls? Let's have a look at
the past, present and future of TDF's Jitsi.

Thanks for the recap and the overview for the next future.

I still support the idea that Jitsi will help us so much in making
public meetings with 20+ people. I'm looking forward for the next
iterations, to see if implementations done by Infra team has the
expected impact on the user experience. Nonetheless, I see this is too
much bound to client settings to be "stable" by itself.

Calling Firefox out of the games from the start seems harsh, though. We
can state that due to implementation issues with the regards of Firefox,
you may use it if in version >77 or with simulcast disabled (we should
provide docs to disable it, at least a link). Plus we should briefly
clarify that, if indications are not followed, esp. on the FF side, it
would thrash others' experience.

For sure, we should give much stricter/clearer indications on how to
join the meeting for the sake of the quality perceived by all of the
participants. Maybe building a wiki page (to be pointed out when calling
public meetings) on how to access the Jitsi instance with these caveats
(and the other ones pointed out before by Cloph) may quicken and ease it
usage, making it also a public point. Ideally, showing it before joining
the room would increase also its effectiveness (at least the first time).

Emiliano Vavassori

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