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Hi Guilhem,

Guilhem Moulin wrote:

In the past 2 years or so I've regularly run a script to upgrade
baseURLs (typical case is when the operator of an old mirror silently
adds TLS support).  Right now 72/113 (63.71%) have an https:// base URL.
Grouping by region,

thanks a lot, that sounds great indeed!

It's not clear to me how disruptive the change will be in practice,
because we have redirects between the download page and the actual
mirror.  However https:// adoption is at a point where we could remove
http:// base URLs without notice without causing too much disruption on
the remaining mirrors nor users (except perhaps those in south Africa
and Russia).

I only read news articles about it, but seems that Chrome will soon start showing a warning message, later this year then blocking downloads. So if there's an easy command to disable all HTTP mirrors, check the impact, and re-enable if required, might make sense to fire that off soon. We could also test with the Chrome beta version and see how we are affected.


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