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1. guilhem
2. Brett
3. Cloph


 * Gluster status:
   + Found this on excelsior: "got non-linkfile delta-replicate-0:/.shard/….2, gfid = 
   + Some orphaned shards
     - No corresponding gfid:
       ~$ diff <(find /srv/delta/gluster/.shard -type f -printf "%P\\n" | sed 's/\..*//' | sort -u) 
               <(getfattr -n glusterfs.gfid.string -e text /mnt/delta/* | sed -nr 
's/^glusterfs\.gfid\.string="([^"]*)"$/\1/p' | sort)
     - shard link count <2
       ~$ find /srv/delta/gluster/.glusterfs/[0-9a-f][0-9a-f] -type f -links -2
   + dlarchive: split the 2TiB drive into 4 512GiB Physical Volumes for
     better balancing across replicate pairs
   + Redmine: Planned auth backend migration to Single Sign-On (OAuth2)
     - Will proceeed after June 30
     - Announced by banner + individual mail (for users who last logged in after
     - 047 (verified) users logged in the past 90 days, 42 (89%) of which in
       LDAP → +6% since announced
     - 120 (verified) users logged in since 2018-01-01, 89 (74%) of which in
       LDAP → +4% since announced
   + PITR (cf. Brett's message)
     - Are tablespaces being used, and is there any plan to use them in future?
       PITR behaves in tricky ways when they're in use.
       . No they currently are not, and I don't *think* we'll use them in the
         foreseeable future.
     - Is storage a concern? CPU/disk usage? (i.e. should the WAL logs be
      . How much data is being streamed
      . Currently we have `ssh $remote 'pg_dump … | gzip' >/path/to/dump.sql.gz`
        and this is not causing a bottleneck
      . Brett: regular base dumps are still recommended; makes disaster recovery
        a lot shorter (don't need to replay since epoch, only since the last
        snapshot), possibility to squash and remove dead rows (à la VACUUM)
      . are there any database with very low traffic?
        . WAL are archived when older than $TIME or bigger than $SIZE;
          potentially blows up archive size if the DB is never written to
        . gerrit, pad, bugzilla, nextcloud, askbot → data loss really
          problematic, lots of writes
        . limesurvey, devcentral, download, downloarchives → not often written
          to, 24h data loss "acceptable" (can even be rebuilt from zero if
        . crashreport → also often written to, but not as critical as bugzilla,
          askbot or gerrit
      . Brett: timeout can be expressed in minutes not hours, and still be
        acceptable from a performance perspective
      . Brett: knobs can be tuned later, only one reload/restart (+snapshot?) away
   + Do we want `archive_mode` to be "on" or "always"?
     - on
   + Possibly later: move all RDMS to physical machine(s) with SSDs, with a
     failover or multi-master replication
     - Would lower I/O on the guests
   + Brett: Barman vs. custom-made scripts (would have to maintain configuration too)
     - can give Barman a try (available in Debian)
 * Next call: Tuesday June 25 2019 at 18:30 Berlin time (16:30 UTC).
   → Note: 4th Tuesday this time!


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