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1. guilhem
2. Brett
3. cloph
4. Sophia (pad only)


 * gitiles:
   + need to upload custom changes somewhere
     . to gerrit? bugzilla is also there
     . cloph: let's fork their repo on github and upload our changes
   + gitweb is no longer exposed since 10days, didn't hear any
     objection. → remove the gerrit links
   + cloph: plan to make IZbot use gitile's JSON api (append "?format=JSON"),
     pointing to$COMMIT_ID
   + some tinderboxes were having timeout issues cloning core, should be fixed
     now (no recent issue was reported)
   + git:// urls lode needs to be upgraded still
     . cloph: can use jenkins config to use the new scheme
 * TODO: Upgrade Pootle's Elasticsearch instance from 5.x to 6.x as well, to
   avoid supporting multiple branches simultaneously
   + cloph: not aware of incompatibilities, try on vm183
   + WARN: ← 5.6.x will be EOL'ed on
     2019-03-11; 6.1.x on 2019-06-13
 * OS upgrade: Debian 9.6 on Nov 5, need to upgrade 3 upervisors still
   G. plan to upgrade dauntless or excelsior on friday night
 * geo-rep: gluster updated to 5.1
   + patched manually
   + log clutter fills the /var partition
   + cloph: has an alert in place in telegram when that happens
   + other remaining issue:
     (too many levels of symbolic links), causes temporary failure/delays
 * monitoring/alert system: last mail from berta on nov 20 at 02:53
   + AI guilhem: disable load alerting for charly (crashtest vm causes heavy
     load ­ intentional)
 * [rdm#2555] "replace Google Custom Search by another un-branded search"
 * [rdm#2026] "scan sites with"
   + AI guilhem: add CSP headers to all sites, based on the list of third
     party services found in the privacy policy (youtube, twitter, etc.)
 * Sophia: Could someone check our websites where we can replace http links to
   https? I have no access to them.
   + Please mention specific pages/erros, or send them to
     list, mention in #tdf-infra or simlar. → follow-up there
 * Next call: Tuesday December 18 2018 at 18:30 Berlin time (17:30 UTC).


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