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On 14.07.2018 01:48, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Dear website list,

the GSoC mentor list recently had an interesting discussion around
measuring and tracking community health. Let me share the most
relevant links:


I'm wondering if one or more of the above might be useful additions to
our dashboard page. Anyone curious enough to try one of the scripts? :)

GrimoireLab *is* our dashboard.

"Since September 2017, GrimoireLab is part of The Linux Foundation CHAOSS Software community as one of the founding projects."

Community Toolbox is tied to GitHub Issues and is basically replicating our easyHacks system.

That leaves Bugmark, which calls itself "A Market for Tradable Software Issues". It "pioneers an approach using a two-sided market, allowing both funders and workers to make offers that are resolved auction style". It sounds like FreedomSponsors/Bountysource/etc. with the crowdfunding aspect replaced by auctions (apparently because it is focusing on corporate funding). I would not include it in the genre of "community health monitoring".


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