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Hi Valdir,

Valdir Barbosa wrote on 2018-06-26 at 16:02:
I would like to know why the web pages of LibreOffice aren't translated in
the language local of countries?
Examples: In About us:
-  Imprint,
- Privacy Polices, (in German)
- Credits
- Prizes (on the pages of some countries)

Is it any problem in translating them?

that's quite a valid ask and thanks for raising it. :-)

We're indeed working on this. The footer is a bit special in some regards, so we're looking into a way of enabling translations for that. There's a Redmine ticket for that (I just don't remember the number from the top of my head).

In a similar fashion, the strings for the download and donate page, including proposes values, will be put to Pootle for translation - Sophie is looking into that.

Thanks for your work on this!

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