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El vie., 1 de jun. de 2018 05:02, Andreas Mantke <> escribió:


Am 31.05.2018 um 23:45 schrieb Daniel A. Rodriguez:
Does this extension need approval to be available for everyone?

there will no approval of a project, if the author will not submit the
project for publication. The state of the project is currently 'private'
and not in the review queue.

But there is an issue with the structure / content of the extension. The
description.xml points to the subfolder 'registration' and the file
'license.txt' in this subfolder. The later one doesn't contain the
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license text
or a link to the appropriate website with the license text. The author
should fix this within an updated release file.

Kind regards,

Thanks guys, will tell him

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