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On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 3:31 PM, Christian Lohmaier
<> wrote:

On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 4:04 PM, Simos Xenitellis
<> wrote:

I am following the instructions at

"Once you're done with translation and proofreading either on the
stage Silverstripe and Pootle:
  * kindly ask on the list for Cloph to add the Pootle strings in Silverstripe"

Could you please add the Pootle strings for Greek to the Silverstripe CMS?

Did so, although there were no significant changes to the strings.

Note that the majority of work is not in pootle - that basically only
takes care of the download pages and some other staff that otherwise
would result in unnecessary updates for nl-sites.

Thanks Christan!

I expected the full translation on Pootle for the newdesign website would show
some messages in Greek. However, I logged on
then selected "Greek NL Project" from the drop-down menu and could not find
any string at all in Greek in the pages.

To create a localized website, you actually have to translate/create
pages in the silverstripe CMS backend. Right now it is still only
showing the English template as it was initially created when setting
up the newdesign site.

Feel free to delete all pages you don't want to translate/maintain/are
irrelevant for Greek visitors. No need to copy the structure/layout of
the English site.

It is quite an effort to translate by myself. I'll ask for help.


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