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Infrastructure Team:

Posting here, because I'm being lazy, and not filing this on RedMine.

This is really frustrating.Most of the time the steps described below
result in an error message, but it works as expected frequently enough,
that I still do it.

I couldn't find anything at that matched, but I
probably used the wrong keywords to search.

For The error entry number 1474485942.490.173382459273.

I did:
Go to
Select "Newest" for the Sort On Field.
Leave the item field blank;
Leave "All Categories as is".
Click on the Search Button;

And saw that error message.

Walking through it, whilst writing this email,
I didn't get that error message.  Instead, it displays what appears to
be extensions in descending chronological order.

This is not task # 1665 --- which occurs with both extensions and
templates. .


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