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          Priority: medium
            Bug ID: 74590
           Summary: BUGZILLA: Give automated mailing-list postings the
                    right headers for threading in Nabble
          Severity: enhancement
    Classification: Unclassified
                OS: All
          Hardware: All
            Status: NEW
           Version: unspecified
         Component: WWW
           Product: LibreOffice

For example, in:
There are a lot of automated messages from Bugzilla.  Any given bug tends to
have plenty of these messages; the individual messages all show up as separate
discussion topics in Nabble.  

There ought to be a way to have messages about the same bug be automatically
combined into the same thread by Nabble.  Currently, someone viewing the Nabble
page has to scan through page after page of bugmails to find only a few
separate discussion topics (both the bugmails, and topics sent directly to the
mailing list).  

I looked in the Bugzilla bugtracker ( for activity about
this, and it seems that threadable e-mails are considered a supported feature
of Bugzilla.

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